Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tail of two intake forms on discussion in class

On Tues. October 27th my English 1010 had a class discussion on the HHPC and Care Center Visitor Application sheets. We discussed how religion plays a role in these two organizations. The HHPC does not ask any religious questions on its intake form. This is mostly due to the fact of the separation church and gov't. This prevents the church from taking over the gov't or the gov't taking over the church. However since the CCV is a church affiliated group they can ask religious quesions like where you in church Sunday and if not, why not? and if yes, which one? This is so they can invite you to church which isnt bad because everyone should go to church cause i find it releives stress being around others who come together to worship God. In our class discussion some people thought this was a bad idea because Christians have a reputation of being hypocrites. This is somewhat true for some, because some so called christians preach against something then go out and do the thing they were preaching against. This is why most people dont like to go to churches for help because they push their religion on that person. It wouldnt be so bad if there werent so many hypocrites.

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