Sunday, December 6, 2009


Me and my roommate went and saw the Rocky Horror Picture Show in the Backdoor playhouse. We had a blast. It was the first time i had ever seen it. It was definately weird. Especially when the transvestite appeared. I didnt know it was a musical. I dont usually like musicals but this was an exception. I want to see it again. Unfortunatley I didnt get to see the live performance. I heard it was awesome. I was surprised this came out in the 70'S I believe? Im not sure, because of what it was about and involved. I thought they were against things they showed then. But it was a very funny movie. My favorite part was when the Transvestite came out because it was so funny.

Concert at the UC

Dec. 3rd I went to the UC and watched a concert. Well it was actually a concert put on by an orchestra. It was pretty interesting. They played a number of pieces but I forgot the names of them because i didnt get a program im not sure they even had programs or not. I may have known one or two of the songs but i couldnt think of the names of them to save my life. If there are anymore concerts like this i would probably go again and try and find a flippin program next time. It was definately interesting.

Eclectic Spiderweb

On Dec. 4th at 2 my english 101o and univ. class put on a culture conference in Jere Whitson at TTU. Starting at 2 we listened to a few speakers. After they were done we had a break and on the break the catering committee set up the tables and chairs downstairs. Meanwhile while we were setting that up upstairs the speaking continued. When we were done setting the tables and chairs we went to the TTU radio station and got some chalk, we chalked infront of the UC and Jere Whitson. We then went back inside and waited for the food to show up. It was a little late but not to late. We had noodles, chicken, alfrado sauce, and marinarra sauce, lasagna both meat and vegan, and breadsticks. For dessert there was brownies, cookies and i had cherry cobbler but it was to big for me to eat so I shared it. I unfortunately had to leave. It was fun for the amount of time I stayed.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hunting on Sunday Nov. 8

On Sunday Nov 8 2009 my dad and me went hunting on Norris Lake. Norris Lake is located in Campbell, Anderson, Union, and Claiborne County. We went out on the lake to hunt, but we brought our fishing rods also. We fished all day agin the bank while looking for deer up in the woods. You may be thinking that hunting in a boat is illegal. It in fact is perfectly legal, you just have to go by a few simple rules. 1. The main motor has to be turned off, but you can have the trolling motor on. 2. Don't aim at any boats and know what it is you are shooting. We were having lunch when this huge shadow covered the boat. I looked up and an American Bald Eagle was soaring about 200-300 yards above us. Then it took a nose dive but before it hit the water it lifted up and flew parallel with the water. It extended it s legs and opened its talons and grabbed a big shade out of the water and flew off. It was amazing. Then after lunch we proceeded with our quest on killing a deer. We enters Claiborne, then Union counties and seen nothing. It was about 3 o'clock and turned around to head back to the free launch we had put in at. We entered Claiborne County again and I looked to the right and on the bank were 4 or 5 deer. Dad shut the main motor off and we were still moving at about 30 mph, I grabbed my muzzle loader and aimed at the biggest doe on the bank. We had slowed to about 25 mph and I shot. The doe stood there for a second then started to run but couldn't run because i had broke both of her shoulders. We then drove onto the bank and I drug the deer to the waters edge where we field dressed it/ or gutted it. Then we loaded up into the boat and left, loaded the boat onto the trailer and took the deer to a check in station. Then we took it to the slaughter house.

Pgs. 120-126, 646-649, 655-658

Pgs. 120-126 were about "Dawsons Creek", a tv show on WB that portrays teenagers lives in the most similar way they can. The show portrays sex, homosexuality, teen drama, etc. Parents of some teens dont like their child to watch this show because they dont want to believe that this stuff is happening. They want their kid in the dark. "Dawson's Creek" also has scenarios where teens are in so deep the cant see straight but there is always one teen that shines through to help the other. After this review it goes on to give key features lik concise description of subject, clearly defined criteria, have knowledge of the subject that you are reviewing, have a balanced and fair assessment, and a well-supported reason.

Pgs. 646-649 FlatBread Company a pizza place that has delicious pizza, appetizers, and deserts. They do however have a problem, they dont have enough on the menu. They make up for it by, the craft that goes or hard work that goes into making the pizza, appetizers, and deserts. Has a good atmosphere in which to enjoy your meal in, has excellent service, and has an overall rating of 4 stars- very good. It's also recommended to buy a large flat bread pizza even though it says 1 flatbread is enough for 2.

Pgs. 655-658 Harry Potter, the series by J.K. Rowling draws things out to long in the series. For example, when Harry's parents die, you get brief info on that in the first book, and then in the third book you get more info. In the first 2 movies where not as moody, or haroque in visual palette, but were monotonic. When the new director started in the third movie you noticed a significant difference, it was better, more action, mystery that you found out in that movie, and better acting. Though it still plays out the Ron and Hermione deal.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tail of two intake forms on discussion in class

On Tues. October 27th my English 1010 had a class discussion on the HHPC and Care Center Visitor Application sheets. We discussed how religion plays a role in these two organizations. The HHPC does not ask any religious questions on its intake form. This is mostly due to the fact of the separation church and gov't. This prevents the church from taking over the gov't or the gov't taking over the church. However since the CCV is a church affiliated group they can ask religious quesions like where you in church Sunday and if not, why not? and if yes, which one? This is so they can invite you to church which isnt bad because everyone should go to church cause i find it releives stress being around others who come together to worship God. In our class discussion some people thought this was a bad idea because Christians have a reputation of being hypocrites. This is somewhat true for some, because some so called christians preach against something then go out and do the thing they were preaching against. This is why most people dont like to go to churches for help because they push their religion on that person. It wouldnt be so bad if there werent so many hypocrites.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

pgs. 554-566

The first report "Meet Joe Blog" starts out about three average people, Mathew Gross, Rob Malda, Denis Dutton, who edited blogs on amateur websites. Then it talkes about what blogs are and their purpose and their history. I found it interesting because I didnt know much about blogs and didnt blog until this year because it is required for my English 1010 class at Tennessee Tech Univ. Blogs can be about anything and you cant get in trouble for it to my understanding because the first amendment, Freedom of Speech, examples Storm Thurmond, and l'affaire Lewinsky. Then blogs got ads put on them by some companies but it doesnt corrupt them. Blogs are eventually gonna be the way America Communicates. It might as well be now, and the way political candidates campaign.
The second report "Homeless on Campus" was about a girl that became homeless because her childs father became physically abusive. She moved out and lived in the EAU and got transfered from it to a hotel back to the EAU then to family shelter in Queens. This made it difficult for her because she had to ride the train to her friends house drop her kid off, ride it back to school in Brooklyn. She missed school and got it excussed by her teachers. Their were 2 other people the story mentions that are part of the 44 homeless students that were awarded the LeTendre grants since 1999. Then the report goes on and tells about the hardships they face and how they dont have access to showers, which makes their grades suffer, and their lives as a whole suffer. Some people see this happening and pretend to not notice that it is happening and others notice it and try to help them. We need more of the kind of people that want to help. It would make the world a better place.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mick Jagger Wants Me

This story was about a couple of girls that were friends, wanting to meet The Rolling Stones. The stayed outside a record studio called the Electric Lady. One of the band members came out with his son and they tried to get in his limo but he left before they could. Then Mick Jagger came out and one girl freaked out and then realized that it wasnt how she imagined meeting him. So she came to her senses and realized she was just like every other girl that wanted Mick Jagger.

Us and Them

I read the story "Us and Them" by David Sedaris. It was about this family that didnt have a tv like most families do and the neighbor kids thought they were weird because they didnt have a tv. The family also missed Halloween and went a day late and the kids that went on Halloween night like normal kids and had to give their candy to the other kids. If I had to give my candy to them i wouldve gave them some input on when they should go trick-or-treating, Halloween, not before and not after but on Halloween. The story was interesting all in all. It tied in with our English 1010 class because it was about pop culture.

Fall Break

My fall break consisted of me going hunting, fishing, and going to my grandparents house. My dad, uncle, grandfather and I went hunting Friday, and Saturday in Scott County Tennessee in the WMA Sunquist. We didnt see any deer, but we did see plenty of turkey and elk. I hate elk btw cause they ran the deer off. On Sunday dad and me went hunting at Fox Cove round 4 and around 6 or so I seen a doe and her twin fawns. I couldve shot one of the fawns but it didnt look like it was worth the 40 dollars for processing, and 10 for my broadhead. Then a big buck came out and was out of rang unfortunately, but he started coming closer and right before he was in range a roadhunter came buy and shot at it with a gun! WHICH IS ILLEGAL because its bow season and if i couldve seen the vehicle i wouldve called it in. It pissed me off. Then today dad and me went on the lake hunting, we also fished. We had better luck fishing than we did at hunting. Dad caught around 6 or 7 bass and I caught around 7 or 8 bass, a pumpkin seed, and a bluegill.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Culture Crawl

A few weeks ago my univeristy class went on a trip to tour the town of Cookevilles history and culture. I found that Cookeville has multiple theaters, and a train depot. The depot is only part of a handful that has an oriental apperance. It was built of brick, and mainly used to transport soldiers. After we visited the depot, we went to the Cookeville museum. There i found old clothes that soldiers wore in the civil, WWI, WWII. There were also some old muzzleloaders, and artifacts that dated back to them times. After we left there we walked the downtown area and went into a few shops, some had things I had never seen before, such as the antique shop. We ate at tiako I think thats how you spell it? It was a sushi bar and we ate different types of sushi, they even had a vegetarians sushi. The Culture Crawl was very interesting in that i found out some of Cookevilles history.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

15 Min Writing 3

Fishing. I started fishing when I was 4. My first fish was a 10 pound bass. It scared the crap out of me. We took it home in a cooler and I took a picture with me holding it and it shook and fell out of my hands and hit the porch and I think it died cause it pissed and pooped on the porch!. We got it mounted and it is hangin where my tv used to. I usually fish for food no days. My favorite kind of fish to eat that is from fresh water would have to be cajun style catfish. The biggest catfish I have ever caught was a 30 pound blue cat. It looked like a big blue turd with whiskers! The lake I normally fish in is Norris Lake. It runs in Campbell, Anderson, and Union Counties. I would like to go deep sea fishing. My cousin went one time and caught an octopus! She brought it home and we ate it. It didnt taste to good! It was more like a rubbery feeling and tasted weird. She kept its beak though. I have went musky fishing and it was really hard! I did the figure 8 with my bait at the boat and this musky came out of nowhere and ate it I bought shat my pants cause all I seen was a mouth full of teeth. It was onlt 34 inches long. Surprisingly we didnt get that mounted. One time dad and me went fishing and we went back in a cove and there was a rattlesnake got in the boat and I didnt know it and it bit me on the calf and we had to leave early! That day of fishing offically sucked! Luckly we got to the hospital in time and they gave me antivenom. Dad killed the snake before we left though by chopping its head off, we kept the snake.

15 min writing

Since the beginning of time the death penalty has been sed as a punishment for those who commit heinous crimes towards others in humanity. It has only been since colonial times that records were kept of this. Is the death penalty to cruel? This is something that the news media asks every time that it is enforced. it also creates a ver heated topic for political debates all around the country and the world. The death penalty has been used as a punishment all throughout history but it wasnt until colonial times that records of it were kept. Since tis time there have been 13,000 legal executions in the United States. In the early 19th century, the number of executions per year grew to as many as 150 in 1930, before dropping to nearly zero in 1967 because of insufficient funds. The death penalty was completely abolished from the American Constitution in 1972, and stayed this way until it was reinstated in 1976. Once it was reinstated, the constitution gave states the choice of using the death penalty for punishment. Today there are twelxe states that do not recognize or utilize the the death penalty as a form of punshment. These states include: Alaska, District of Columbia,Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia and Wisconsin. There are also seven more jurisdictions that have that the death penalty, but have not performed one since it was reinstated in 1976.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Re: Personality Test

I took a personality test as you probly already know by the previous blog. I wrote my blog wrong because I wrote about my results not about what I actually thought about it. I was not surprised by my results on the personality test. I am a talkative person, and I am not sure what the other three results are talking about. When I took the political compass test I was a little shocked by the results. I expected it to tell me I was a hardcore republican, but instead it told me that I am a conservative, seeing that I was raised in a Baptist community. Well I am gonna go play tennis.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Personality Tests

I took the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test. Upon completing it I found out that I am moderately expressed extraverted (33), moderately expressed sensing personlity (38), moderately expressed thinking personality (50), and moderately expressed judging personality (44). It gave me a list of careers that would be suitabe for my personality one of which is one I am currently pursuing, engineering. The rest of my suitable jobs were, management, management in business or education, stoke broker, accountings, constructions specialist, truck and bus driver, military training, police/security services, and law. The test also listed a group of people who have a similar personality, they are Bruce Willis, George W. Bush, Vespasian, Colin Powell, Martha Gellhorn (war correspondent) and Lyndon B. Johnson. If you can not tell I am a republican. I also took a political compass test. This test told me I have an economic of 0.50 right and a social Libertarian/Authoritarian of 3.28. I am not sure how to read this so I do not fully understand it.
Spiritual Inventory
I do have a spiritual belief it is Christianity, Baptist.
Belief itself is not a problem.
Tolerance of differing beliefs is not a problem regarding this topic.
I do believe in a higher being, God.
He is the creator of life and everything we see and dont see that is around us.
The physical world is what we see around us, and the spiritual world is either heaven or hell. Depending on whether or not we get saved and baptized according to my belief.
My attitude towards people with beliefs differing from mine is its a belief and everyone has their own.
My spiritual beliefs generally have stayed the same over time. Its lack of change means that it is satisfying to its believers.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Writing History Through the Years

Hello, my name is Jordan Cross. I may not have the extensice writing history as some of the others, but this does not diminish my writing abilities. The first time I remember having my writing abilities challenged was during my eighth grade year. We were required to write a paper everyday for three weeks. I scored a five out of six on my paper. We had to write three papers a semester to satisfy our school board.
Onto high school, in high school we had to write tow papers a semester and the topics had to do with the particular subject we were in. My junior year I had accelerated English. In accelerated English we wrote three papers one of which was a final exam. i scored a ninty six out of one hundred. Also in y junior year we had aother writing assessment. I scored a four out of six on this particular paper. My senior year I only had to write one paper for senior English. I scored ninty nine on the final paper. During my freshman and sophmore year English classes we had to keep a journal. The teachers required that we right two-three paragraphs on what did over the weekends, things we did over the weekends, things we liked to do, or something over the previous days class discussion.
During high school i took three engineering classes. I had to write two papers a semester on technology, both old and new, engineering marvels, and what type of careers in the engineering field we were interested in.
In future blogs I hope to blog about things I like to do, and things that happen to me while I am at Tennessee Tech Univ. continuing my education to hopefully become an engineering.